Funny Videos Similar to Cyanide and Happy but With to Dumb Kids and a Ice Cream Man

I wonder what twisted shit will happen to us in this comic?

Cyanide & Happiness is a daily webcomic strip at drawn and written by three separate people. It was begun by Kris Wilson originally, but after showing his work to some members on the forum several others joined in the fun: Rob DenBleyker, Dave McElfatrick, and Matt Melvin (who has since left). They have no shame in exploiting extreme Black Comedy, Literal-Minded-ness and affinities for the most hilariously controversially awkward situations known to webcomickind. Their comics involve the exploitation of simply-drawn stick figures for all they're worth.

Dark, cynical, offensive, irreverent... and we're just getting started.

In 2013, a full animated series based on the comic, named The Cyanide & Happiness Show, was successfully funded on Kickstarter, and began airing in 2014.

A top down apocalyptic Battle Royale Game developed by Galvanic Games and Explosm Games, Rapture Rejects, was released in 2018. Another Cyanide & Happiness video game, a point-and-click adventure titled Cyanide & Happiness - Freakpocalypse, was released on March 11, 2021 for PC and the Nintendo Switch.

Kickstarter campaigns were held for games with 63,758 backers giving $3,246,588 for Joking Hazard and 55,024 backers giving $3,538,065 for Trial By Trolley based on the Trolley Problem.

After over six months of absence from the site, Matt Melvin finally announced on August 31st, 2014 that he was no longer a part of the comic due to unspecified reasons. A post from the Explosm site blog followed a couple days later providing further details, as well as expressing thanks for Matt's contributions to the comic and wishing him luck on his future endeavors. In October 2014, Matt started work on a new project, titled "The Last Nerds on Earth", although the only installments were uploaded that month. He has also begun streaming regularly on Twitch.

Cyanide & Happiness contains examples of:

  • Adult Adoptee: Defied in this Depressing Comic Week strip. A man and a woman ask a middle-aged man how they can adopt orphans, and he says that he's not an employee, he's one of the orphans. He asks them if they'll adopt him. They just leave without another word, much to his dismay.
  • Alt Text: Zig-Zagged. If you look at the URL for the images, many have fairly mundane names like "Bear" and "Debate" but several have jokes in the names.
  • Arbitrary Skepticism: In the video short "Junk Mail", the protagonist becomes rich and popular when the spam e-mails he responds to turn out to be legitimate. Then he gets a chain letter about a vengeful poltergeist, and he bizarrely assumes that this particular e-mail must be fake. Predictably, he dies.
  • Art Evolution: Yes, in a stick figure comic:
  • Bad Boss: Ted bear's producer fires him because he refused to eat his own penis.
  • Bathtub Mermaid: Parodied in one strip, where a mermaid dies after being put in a bathtub due to it not being saltwater.
  • Broken Echo: In this strip, a man notices the cave he's in has an echo and eagerly shouts "I love you!", expecting to hear it back. After a moment of silence, the cave instead replies "Echo... echo... echo..."
  • Chirping Crickets: Exploited by one guy who wants to kill those crickets.

    First Guy: Hey Naked Guy With A Shotgun! What're you doing?

    Naked Guy With A Shotgun: Hunting crickets.

    First Guy: Isn't that a bit much?

    Naked Guy With A Shotgun: Nah, they only come out during awkward silences. Now, grab my ass!

    Naked Guy With A Shotgun: AARGH! *fires shotgun several times*

  • Comically Missing the Point: Stick-figure ignorance is how most of the other squick-related tropes come into play.
  • Darker and Edgier: "Depressing Comic Week", a week where the guys take a more serious approach to subjects they would usually play for laughs.
  • Dinner Order Flub:
    • In one strip, a character orders some "lesbian cuisine." The waiter informs him that they have Lebanese cuisine. He needs some time to cope.
    • In another, the character points to a sign and requests his "free wife." The waiter informs him that it's "free Wi-Fi."
  • Everyone Has Standards: Ted Bear is willing to do a lot of revolting, embarrassing and cruel things (such as letting people think he died) for the sake of his show, but even he is horrified when he is ordered to 'eat his own penis' on camera.
  • Exact Words: In one strip, a man discovers a magic lamp and frees the genie inside, who promises to grant him three wishes. The man immediately requests more wishes, and the genie explains that each djinn can only give three to a the man happily wishes for more genies instead. Cue several lamps and color-coded genies manifesting, while the first one curses at his own stupidity.
  • Fright-Induced Bunkmate: Here, we see a ghoulish cyclops appear over someone's bed... because it had a bad dream and needs someone to sleep with.
  • It's What I Do: In this strip, a woman mentions that she's a full-time mom. The person she's speaking to asks "Who'd you fuck to get that job?", which normally is an insult, but here there's a perfectly good response to it — "My husband."
  • Lame Pun Reaction: Characters reacting badly to silly puns is the basis of a few strips, like this one.
  • Last Request:
    • Jesus uses his last meal request to get fish and bread, and multiplies them to allow him to escape crucifixion
    • A death row inmate orders a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Innocuous, right? The inmate is deathly allergic to peanuts and uses this to avoid execution.
  • Literal Metaphor: In this comic, a depressed burglar hears that "every cloud has a silver lining" as encouragement not to give up on his dreams. He then goes and steals the silver linings from clouds.
  • Loser Protagonist:
    • Sad Larry of the Sad Larry shorts. Nothing ever goes right for him, he's constantly depressed, and he wants to die but can't.
    • The protagonist of the Depressing Bowling Ball week too. It gets to the point the entire universe gets rid of him.
  • Kinky Role-Playing:
    • Parodied in a strip where a man named Charlie wants to try role-playing with his wife... but he wants to bring in a woman named Sophie to role-play as his wife.

    Charlie: C'mon, Sophie's career really needs this.

    • In one strip, a woman role-plays as a nurse with her lover being her patient. She promises to make him feel "all better," and he asks if he has insurance. She assures him, "Full coverage." This is enough to make him climax.
    • A woman wants her lover to role-play as a bus driver who slows the bus down to a stop... because it's the only way she can get off.
    • One woman has her husband act out her ideal fantasy: he role-plays as a doctor telling her that her husband is dead.
    • A man tells his girlfriend to act out the scene from Return of the Jedi with Leia and Jabba the Hutt. Much to his displeasure, instead of dressing up in Leia's gold bikini, she dresses up as Jabba.
  • Manly Facial Hair: In one strip, two characters are comparing their manly mustaches. One of them has a mustache that is so manly, it can flex itself like flexing arm muscles.
  • Mood Whiplash: The New Year's time travel series of comics is usually humorous, but one of them is part of a Depressing Comic Week. It's fairly jarring. The next strip we see them in still has the dog's blood on the time machine.
  • Murder the Hypotenuse: Subverted. Two men fighting over a girl kill her to solve the problem instead.
  • No Mouth: Comics drawn by either Kris or Dave feature characters with no mouths when they're not talking.
  • No Sympathy: Ted Bear doesn't want to bite off his penis for the sake of his show. Nobody else cares. He asks why they don't just use effects. The producer demands he do it live on camera or he's fired.
  • Not His Blood: Played for Bloody Hilarious in this strip where a character throws up blood only to add that it's not his.
  • Oh, Crap!: The Wardrobe has the pedophile expressing this when the kid remove his disguise to show a lion(another costume/disguise).
  • Overly Long Gag:
  • "Ow, My Dick" has a guy screaming somebody hurt his dick for the entire duration of the episode (four minutes) and there isn't even a satisfying punchline.
  • Mocked in "Ted Bear 3", where he suddenly appears and shows the entire video, and then again in slow-motion. All as an April Fool's joke.
  • Pink Girl, Blue Boy: The 50 Mph Man and his wife dress accordingly, as do their children (one son and one daughter).
  • Prosthetic Limb Reveal: Parodied in a skit about an old sailor who tells a tale about how he wasted his life hunting for the elusive buttshark. He claims that the buttshark took his butt, among other things. When the listener mockingly questions this, the sailor turns around to reveal... peg legs in place of his buttcheeks.
  • Running Gag: Tons.
  • Every depressing comic week contains something getting killed by a car.
  • "Did someone say [X]-off?" Followed by two characters trying to outdo each other at whatever [X] is. Inevitably led up to this.
  • Random superheroes with unusually specific powers/themes.
  • Sailor Earth: Parodied using Captain Planet and the Planeteers as an example here. Looks like adding Death to the five-element ensemble wasn't a good idea, after all.
  • Shame If Something Happened: Said verbatim to a man in this strip, regarding his family. Subverted in that the implied threat goes completely over his head and he instead treats it as a sincere compliment, despite the obvious shadiness of the man who said it.

    "What a nice thing to say!"

  • Sidetracked by the Analogy: In this comic, one character gets distracted by the implications of the expression "a bat out of hell".
  • Stable Time Loop: A dark example in this comic where a character goes back in 2019 to prevent the COVID pandemic, and start coughing as his machine starts.
  • Take That!:
  • Tempting Fate: Played with in one strip where a man is warned that chewing ice is "super bad for you", and replies in an over-confident manner that "nothing bad's gonna happen". In fact, nothing bad does happen... to him. The nineteen soldiers killed in an IED explosion on the same day, on the other hand...
  • Too Dumb to Live: A guy finds out that every spam email on his phone was real, including the ad that allowed his penis to instantly grow as long as he was tall. After enjoying wealth, finding out he has an African prince for a brother, and having his new endowment, he gets a chain mail saying it will kill him. However this one is not beneficial to him so he deletes it thinking its fake. Despite everything that just happened to him, with predictable results.
  • Unishment: A father, annoyed at his children's repeated "Are We There Yet?", threatens to turn the car around. When he actually follows through with his threat, it's revealed they were heading home from Disneyland... so now they're heading straight back there.
  • Unsettling Gender Reveal:
  • In this comic, a guy's date rips off "her" own wig to reveal their identity as "Secret Man" and fix a flat tire. Secret Man's date then drives the car, leaving Secret Man alone.
  • Unusually Uninteresting Sight: These guys aren't terribly excited about catching a glimpse of Superman.
  • Visual Pun: In this comic, a guy laments the lack of beer with "Aw man". In the next panel, a superhero with 'AW' emblazoned on his chest touches down...
  • "Wash Me" Graffiti: In this strip, a vandal writes "wash me" on a dirty car, but gets caught in the act by the owner, who proceeds to wash the vandal in the shower.
  • Who's on First?: This strip, a direct reference to the original sketch, beginning with "Whoa! Who's over there getting to first base with your girlfriend?"
  • Wishing for More Wishes: In this strip, a character successfully bypasses the three-wishes-per-genie rule by wishing for more genies.


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